Sunday, March 13, 2011

90% Knitting - Intro to Spinning

Because there seemed to be a lot of interest on spinning on the 90% Knitting Ravelry group, especially from new spinners, today I recorded the first in a series of special episodes on spinning. This one mainly talks about the basics of what to know about fiber and your spinning tools before you actually get started spinning. As I said in the

The book I referred to is The Knitter's Book of Wool, by Clara Parkes. I realllly recommend this book to all knitters, but especially if you want to spin. You need to know your fibers!

I may have referred to the S & Z twists backwards. I said that spinning clockwise creates an S twist and spinning counterclockwise creates a Z twist. After I recorded, I thought about it and decided I had it backwards. So I looked it up in several different places. Depending on where you look, you'll see it both ways! Gah! Regardless, what is important to note is that if you spin clockwise, you must ply counterclockwise and vice versa. But I'll talk about that more when I get to the plying episode. :)

Thanks for watching!


L said...

This extra was great! Thank you so much. I can't wait to the next one. You really have answered so many of my questions.

Patti said...

Very informative. Thanks!!!

Unknown said...

Perfect timing! I am hoping to get a spindle very soon! I cannot wait for your next spinning video! Thank you so much!

Betty said...

Thank you for the video - I really enjoy your video podcast and I am encouraged to try many things

folksmith said...

thanks for you spinning 101 video. i hope someday to have a spinning wheel, so watching your video makes me want one even more. i am also enjoying your weekly podcasts.

Phaye said...

Thank you so much for doing this series. Very helpful and I really enjoy your style of teaching. Cannot wait for the next vidcast.

1to1 said...

I really enjoyed this extra and I'm not a spinner. Not going to say never but just not ready to spiral down that hole yet. ;-)