Otherwise known as an account of the past week of my life. First, here's our house last Saturday morning after 22" fell on it in less than 24 hours....
And here's our road looking to the east...
And to the west...
And here are my front shrubberies...
Did you say shrubberies??
And here is our neighbors' back yard...
Our neighbors are retired and are spending two months in Florida. Our neighbors are smart.
And here is my 5' 6" daughter standing in snow up past her knees...
She looks...happy. Kids. Sheesh. :}
And here is my husband doing his best to plow out the driveway, using our daughter as ballast to keep the tractor from slipping. (It should be noted that our son was actually an hour away, up in the mountains, for SNOW CAMP with the youth group. Ha! They picked the right weekend for that, lemme tell ya!)
She was having fun here, too. Him? Not so much.
And here is a car-shaped lump that would in fact be formed over my car...
And here is my actual car after I spent two hours Saturday afternoon digging it out from its snowy tomb.
Yes, digging...with a shovel...because there would have been no way for the husband to get the tractor in and around my car up there in its spot. But hey! All these months of kickboxing have definitely paid off because it turns out I'm in GREAT shape! Didn't get too tired or sore at all from the shoveling experience!
Indeed, by mid-afternoon Saturday, the snow stopped coming down, the sun came out, and it all looked very pretty...
No? Yes!
Being snowed in makes for excellent knitting time, and knit I did, finishing my Eyelet Cardigan...
I lurve it
sooooo much!
Even though I have a slight linebacker-ish look to me from behind...yikes...
My butt! My butt! Where is my butt?? Alas, I inherited the buttless gene that seems to pass down to females on my mom's side of the family. We are buttless women, we are.
Had the perfect pewter buttons for it in my stash, too. How awesome is that?
Pay no attention to the fact that I cannot evenly space buttonholes to save my soul.
And look! I was not the only red thing outside! I finally got a semi-decent picture of a Cardinal with a snowy background (this has been an ongoing quest of mine for a long time)...
All in all, it's been a good week...other than the fact that I am now going stir-crazy and really MUST get out of my house SOON if I am to salvage what sanity I still possess.
The snow is either smiling at me or sticking out its tongue at me. I'm not sure which.