Sunday, July 6, 2008

Spinning update...

Ok, I know it's only been one day since the beginning of the challenge, but I thought I'd report in just to say that I've successfully spun and plied a whopping nine yards of something that rather looks like a kind of yarn. Definitely not a consistent weight the whole way through, and definitely erring on the side of a bulky weight on average, but...yarn. Pictures of said yarnishness coming soon. 

(Seriously, I've taken a buttload of pictures in the past week or so, all with the intent of blogging will happen eventually. I think I'm due to do a "life in pictures" entry soon. The problem is that I download my photos to my desktop, which has, for some mysterious reason this week, decided it does not want to connect to the Internet. I think it may be jealous of all the time I've been spending with the new MacBook. :::sigh:::)

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