Monday, January 12, 2009

Five Things...

You know I'm a sucker for a good meme, especially one that requires me to make lists. Found this one at WendyKnits. Feel free to play along on your own blog! :)

5 Things in my bag:

1. Cell phone
2. iPod
3. Lipstick
4. Purse-sized Bible
5. Notebook

5 Things in my room:

1. Handmade rocking horse
2. Lots of knitting WIPs
3. Spinning wheel
4. Husband (oops! he just got up and left! does he still count?)
5. Half cup of cold coffee

5 Things I have always wanted to do:

1. Skydive
2. Be really physically fit
3. Live for a few months in Ireland
4. Live in a house on the beach
5. Travel as much as I want

5 Things I am currently into:

1. Knitting
2. Spinning (yarn, not bikes, just to clarify!)
3. Kickboxing
4. Facebook
5. Healthy cooking and eating

Oh, and by the way! It is Delurking Day! I know I'm getting this in just under the wire, but please feel free to delurk and post a comment, even if official DD has passed. ;)

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