Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Yes! I'm finishing things! First, I finished my MIL's birthday sweater, finally! Here it is, modeled by my daughter, who is taller but otherwise smaller than my MIL...will hopefully get a picture of it on its intended wearer soon...


And, since I stated my goal of trying to finish up some of my other lingering UFOs this month, I jumped on the finished sweater momentum and finished up the second half of my second Heart Throb sock...this was the first one...


The girlie put in a bid to have these socks as I was making them, so I'll get a picture of them on her feet tomorrow, when there's good light (and when she's awake, LOL).

(And this officially brings my WIP count down to twelve! But who's counting? Oh yeah...me.)

I'm also starting things, though in this case, it has nothing to do with fiber or knitting. Tonight was my first night of American Freestyle Martial Arts lessons. I already mentioned that I started taking kickboxing classes back at the end of November, and I love them. The gym I'm going to also offers boxing classes and the American Freestyle classes. So! I'm going to take both. Seriously...I love this gym. I could live there. It makes me very happy to go there. (You have no idea how freaky it is for me to say this about an athletic-oriented activity...this is definitely a first.) And I love taking these lessons there. So. New experiences! Gotta love 'em! :)


  1. I love the sock; it is so texturally beautiful.

    Congrats on finishing the MIL sweater. She'll love it!

  2. Wow...good job, the sweater is amazing, I haven't tried a sweater yet. Hmmmmm don't know why I seem to be so intimidated by it...I just need to start with a simple pattern I think. And those socks, my goodness they are so detailed and wonderful. I tried a simple sock pattern this past summer, couldn't do it, I got so frustrated with it all, I ripped it out, not for me I'm afraid.


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