Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm wondering what percentage of Facebook status lines today contain a message about voting? I'll bet it's high. Of the 29 of my FB friends who have updated their status lines since this morning, 24 of them have referenced voting or the election in some way. (Granted, several of them are automated messages generated by the "Causes" application encouraging people to vote, some for one candidate, some for the other, or some just to go do it.) Not that my 29 friends are a truly representative sampling, but it does work out to just under 83%. So the real question is:

Why is Lisa doing ridiculous math problems like this?

Yeah. Well. Lisa has to do something with her morning other than risk obsessing about how the election will turn out. And this prompts yet another questions:

Why is Lisa speaking about herself in the third person?

There is no answer for why Lisa does the things she does, other than the fact that she is a passionate, modern nerd. That probably explains it all. 

Honestly, just under my questionably sane surface, I've been on edge about this election for weeks (well, the election and the economy). It took me a while to realize that, and when I did, it both annoyed and troubled me because I do not tend to get rilly-rilly anxious about most things. Yes, there are certain issues that can send me into full-on spirals of anxiety, especially things involving supposedly grown, mature children and middle-of-the-night phone calls of dread, but what parent doesn't get anxious at times like that? I'm talking about normal life stuff. 

As a general rule, I do not get overly anxious. I actively believe that God is bigger than anything I might be tempted to get anxious about, so I try to put these things in his hands and go about my life doing my part to improve the situation or, at the very least, to not make it any worse.

But this election...this so-called pivotal election (I think we should consider every election pivotal, really) and its campaign has gotten the better of me. I can't wait for it to be over today, but at the same time, I cannot help but dread how it may turn out. And that could lead to four years of dread. So I'm trying to remember, today of all days, God is bigger than this

So, instead of focusing on politics today (after all, I voted before I left for vacation and my FB status line is doing it's part...so, I can do no more), I'm going to focus on more pleasant things. Like taking myself to lunch at my favorite lunch spot here in Fernandina Beach, Cafe Karibou. And I'm going to seek out the art of Wyanne Thompson, because I think she's pretty darned cool. And I am going to work on my own art...including a new sock!

Isn't she pretty? The picture isn't as good as the sock in real life (the MacBook camera is only so good). I'm using Numma Numma "Toasty" in a colorway called Blackberry Jam. This is the first time I've knit with this yarn, and it is sooooo soft and beautiful, and the colors are so incredibly yummy (here is a better picture of the true colors...the yarn I'm using is like the bottom two images). 

I didn't want to do a heavily patterned sock because I wanted to just enjoy the colors of the yarn, but this seems to be a slightly finer gauge yarn than many sock yarns I use, so I opted for a rib rather than a stockinette sock since the only sock needles I brought with me are size 2s, and past experience tells me it would not make a very tight stockinette sock on that size needle, and I do like to knit my socks tight. I did deviate from my usual 2x2 rib, though, and am doing a 3x1 instead. Ooooo. I so live on the edge sometimes. Witness the passion, baby. Yeow. ;)


  1. 3x1? You are so out there, baby! I've only done 2x2, but that's because I put a twist in every 6 rounds. The better to try to make two socks the same; it's a counting device.

    I love the jam socks; the colors are wonderful. Probably better in real life, but they look good from here!

  2. OMGOSH...I just found your site "Inspired", I saw that you poppped over today from my site meter....

    Thanks for checking me out, love your blog, I'm always looking for new knitters to network with. I see you have many knitting blogs on your sidebar...I'm coming back to check them out...

    Can I copy your button that says, Knitting Daily 2008 on your sidebar, I would like exchange it for the one I have now?? Let me know, thanks!!!

    Nice to meet you btw...


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