Monday, May 3, 2010

Um, hi...

...yes, I remembered that I have a blog. And I apologize now because this is not going to be a "real" blog post. It's just me popping in to acknowledge my blog posting lameness of late. In my defense? It's been a busy season. Much like last spring, I've been traveling a lot and still have a couple more trips to come between now and early June. There were fights out near Harrisburg a few weekends ago, then there was Spring Fling in St. Louis two weekends ago. No travel this weekend, but I did have a lot going on here at home, so I feel like I wasn't here much. This week will be another trip out to Harrisburg -- this time for the annual homeschool convention. And then the kids and I will be heading south to visit my mom in Florida for 9 days over Memorial Day.

My house is a sty. I feel like I'm behind on everything from laundry to paper work. And my desktop's flat screen monitor died a couple weeks ago and I haven't had time to shop for a new one. Thus, I haven't been able to do any photo-editing because that's where I do it. One day I will get caught up. And I'll have pictures, too! I have finished objects to share, honest! Just be patient with me, ok? :}


  1. No worries, we all forget about this stuff from time to time. I hope life settles down for you soon!

  2. Ok - we'll be here waiting for you when things slow down!


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