Sunday, August 23, 2009

This may be my fastest project ever...

Well, maybe not ever -- I'm sure I've done some small things quicker than this. But considering this was a spinning and knitting project, it was fast!

On Friday, I spun the yarn...

4 oz. Falkland wool from cosymakes; about 185 yards; worsted.

2 oz. Blue Faced Leicester from Briar Rose Fibers; about 85 yards; worsted.

Yesterday, I knit the body. Today I knit the sleeves and button bands (twice...don't ask...button bands are going to be the death of me yet), added buttons and wove in my ends. Ta da! Baby Belle (Rav link), pattern by Cosette Cornelius-Bates. (And here's the Rav link for my project page...aren't I just all linky tonight?)

It's the small size, which is about 3 months. Thus, knitting it in two days doesn't seem quite as impressive as it would if it was, say, a sweater for me. LOL But still...

I spun the yarn first! That counts for something, right??

I wish I had better buttons for it. These were in my stash, and while they work well with the fabric, they aren't really what I'd choose for a baby sweater. I could have sworn I had a big tube of various baby/child buttons that I got when the shop closed last year, but I cannot find them anywhere. They aren't with all of my other buttons, which is where they should be. I have this vague recollection of stashing them somewhere special (yeah) since they were kid buttons that I don't use often. This could account for why I cannot find them. Or it could be that I'm totally hallucinating and never bought these buttons I'm thinking of, and I'm just remembering them from seeing them at the shop for so long.

The sure way for me to figure this out is to go and purchase different buttons for this sweater. If I do that, the other buttons will materialize the instant I get the new ones sewn on. :}


  1. That's a very cute sweater. And I'm really impressed that you spun the yarn first!

  2. WAY TOO CUTE!!! The sweater is so sweet, and handspun too, I'm impressed. That's going to be one lucky baby.

  3. That is so adorable! I have a baby project I need to knit in the next couple months; maybe I'll knit this!

  4. this sweater is so sweet....way to go on the spinning and the knitting!! (and the linking LOL)


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