Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Tale of Two Projects...

Once, there was a knitter who was working on two projects at once: a pink afghan square and a mossy green scarf. The afghan square was being worked on 51 stitches, the scarf on 50 stitches. Both projects were lace, and each had an eight row repeat. Neither was particularly difficult. In fact, the scarf pattern was easily memorized.

It was this knitter's habit to end each knitting session of either project after working the eighth row of its respective pattern, making it easy to know where to pick up the next time she sat down. One day, however, the knitter was running short on time, needing to leave for an appointment and thus had to finish after row six instead of finishing the full eight rows. Knowing how easy it is to forget where one has left off, the knitter had the forethought to jot down a note, "Start on row 7," and sat it on the table next to her project. It seemed a foolproof way to avoid an error.

It was the next day before the knitter finally got back to her knitting. She picked up the afghan square and remembered her note, so she prepared to knit row 7. It was the wrong side row of the lace pattern, so she purled the whole way across. Then she moved on to row 8 and worked it from memory. But as she got to the end of the row, she realized she had a problem. There was an extra stitch. She held up the square for inspection and noticed that her lace pattern was suddenly looking very wonky -- clearly an issue beyond an extra stitch! After unsuccessfully discerning her error, she dinked back the two rows she'd just done and set out to begin again.

Suddenly, she glanced at the table next to her and saw her scarf. And she saw her note. Her note was sitting there on the table, next to the scarf. The afghan square had been sitting on the ottoman, not on the table next to the note.


The knitter learned a new lesson that day. When working on two lace projects, each with eight row repeats, be sure to specify WHICH project you need to begin on row 7 instead of assuming the difference of one stitch per row will be enough to clue you in to the fact that not only are you starting on the wrong row of the wrong project, but you are working it in with the wrong damn pattern! 



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