Monday, January 26, 2009

Is it February yet?

'Cause I am SO getting the itch to cast on something new! Enough of this finishing, already! So many pretty patterns! So much yummy yarn in the stash! Ahhhhh!!!


I am, however, determined to get my WIP list into the single digits between now and 11:59 p.m. Saturday. I can do this!

I added about 8" to my Scarf on a Whim last night while watching the movie Expelled. (Interesting movie, if a bit disturbing. I'd recommend it, though, if you're interested in the intelligent design vs. evolution topic.) This is an easy scarf to knit when your brain power is focusing on something else. (Oh! Did I mention that I finally FOUND the other ball of yarn for this scarf? Yeah! It's been missing since November, and suddenly...poof! It shows up downstairs in my office! I was so happy! The prodigal yarn returneth, and there was much rejoicing...) This one should be an easy one to finish. 

(Sorry...I'm too lazy to link to these projects, but you can click on their names in the progress bar over to the right and that'll take you to their projects pages at Ravelry if you want to see pictures...I've probably posted the pictures here before at some point anyway.)

If I pulled out my sewing machine, I could finish up the Green Purse, because all it really needs is a lining and zipper, and that shouldn't take more than an hour...just gotta do it.

I'd really like to finish my Socktoberfest socks, and they shouldn't take too long if I'd just work on them. 

Lastly, I'm seriously considering frogging my Not-So-Basic-Black Cardi. As much as I really want an nice, all-purpose cardi to wear, and I have most of the back and one front done on it, I'm just not loving how this one is working out. The colors are reminding me way too much of the crazy-colored prints that were so popular back in the late 80's/early 90's. I kept thinking, "Maybe once it is all done, it will miraculously NOT remind me of that," but we all know that knits rarely heal themselves in that way. If I'm not liking it now, chances are that won't change, and I could be using that time to knit something else that I like better. So.

So, that would take four more WIPs off the list, leaving me with seven! The two swap afghans are going to be in progress for a few more months yet because of the swap. My Swiftly Turning Afghan, as much as I love it, I just haven't felt compelled to work on lately. The Blackberry Jam sock (still on sock #1 of the pair) has been one of my take-along projects so it is being worked on in fits and starts, though I am at least past the heel now. The February Lady Sweater...sigh...perhaps I'll make it a goal to finish the damn thing in February? The Liberating My Lace scarf (which is really the Ribbon Lace pattern from Knitty) is wonderful and fun to knit and I love the yarn...I just can't knit lace if I'm distracted, so my time with it is limited because it doesn't work well for TV or waiting room knitting. But it will get done eventually. 

And the Malabrigo Ribbed Pullover? Well, the back is just about complete, and I'd like to think I'll finish it to wear this winter, but honestly, it gets a little boring...not as boring as knitting an all stockinette sweater, but close. Also, I'm not nearly as excited about it as I was when I cast it on over a year ago. I chose the pattern because it was easy, and I was still pretty new to sweater knitting. I prefer things with a little more shape to them now, though this will be a nice warm, comfy sweater if I ever get it done. The color variegations of the Purple Passion yarn do rock, though. That's pretty much the only thing that keeps me from poking my eyeballs out with my needles out of sheer boredom.

(Ok...confession time...I actually DID cast on a new project the other night. It was another two-row scarf. But as I got into it, I realized it was turning out way too dark and drab for the person I was thinking of giving it to, so I ripped it all the way out down to the first two rows, because I may still use that skein. But I haven't added this project to my WIPs yet, and I am not touching it again until AFTER January! I'm trying to be good...really...)

1 comment:

  1. You are cracking me up girl...I HAVE to finish a knitting project before I even think of a new one. Isn't it funny how we are all different in our craft?

    Well hats off to ya, you go girl!

    Happy Knitting---KM


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