And, the moon? Wow...I went outside late last night -- the first time I've taken the time to do that in a while, it seems -- and the near-full moon greeted me, shining bright and clear and simply beautiful. I surveyed the constellations and realized it has been a while since I'd been out to pay them a visit, because they've moved significantly. That means, of course, that my much-loved winter sky is creeping closer every night. I'm eagerly awaiting Orion's return to my part of the sky...I watched him all last winter, and he was my touchstone for learning several other constellations. I can't wait for him to come back around.
And it is a happy Monday because I have nothing making me leave my house today. I may voluntarily leave to go to the grocery store, because we need milk and a few other necessities. But otherwise? I'm good to stay home. And other than a couple of other regular outings and hair appointments for the kids on Thursday, our calendar is quite uncluttered this week, and that always makes me very happy.
The fact that it is a light week schedule-wise gives me hope that I might make some progress in re-organizing the basement. Seriously. With the cold months coming, that place needs a good clean-up and I need to recoup space that the kids can use this winter to get their energy out lest they drive me batty up here!
Plus, I am dying to get my office/studio-space re-organized. I removed the love seat from the room this weekend (because, really? the only thing that ever sat on it was junk) and replaced it with an old, beat-up conference table. This will give me the horizontal space I need to finally get my yarn all organized into less random collections in the storage containers, and once that is taken care of and I am (hopefully!) able to move around the room a little more, I plan to use that table as designated scrapbooking space.
I've not scrapped in almost two year, and I really miss it. I have so much stuff (for every obsession there is a stash), even after purging through it a while back and getting rid of tons of materials that I'd collected over the years, and I have so many pictures...I want to get back to it. I figure if I give myself a designated spot in which to do it (because right now, my yarn has mostly displaced my scrap-goods to the nether regions of my space), then perhaps I can use one day a week to scrap. That would be good. And fun!
So...happy Monday to you all. May it be an enjoyable and productive week for us all! :)
P.S. Another Monday happy bit today? I finished a pair of socks for the boy (Rav link) last night, and he immediately put them on and hasn't taken them off. I love that he loves his hand knit socks!
I love the constellations, too. Happy autumn!