Sunday, July 13, 2008

Getting caught up: the random stuff entry...

And so the updating continues, this time with various randomness -- with pictures!

We here at Chez Beamer like to color coordinate our holidays as much as possible, thus this year's 4th of July breakfast of champions (or at least of me) was this...

...vanilla yogurt topped with black and red raspberries courtesy of Myrna's Naked Acre.

The dog is still here...

...though this time next week he will be heading home with his family, if all goes according to plan. I won't miss the random piddling, but I will miss him. He's a great little dog. (And I'm taking him to the groomers on Thursday to get him bathed and smelling pretty before his mommy and daddy show up!)

Speaking of dogs, we had to put our dog to sleep last Monday. Yes, sad, as I've never had to make that choice for a pet before. But Rosie was 17 years old, after all...she'd led a good life and at least now she's no longer in pain.

I took this picture of her a few weeks ago. She was having such a hard time walking even then. I remember thinking how that was probably going to be one of the last pictures I ever took of her. Even at 17 years old, she still had the prettiest face.

In other news, I followed through with my intention of having my chest tattoo improved upon...

...the moon and bird were the original parts of it...I had the bird recolored and the swirls and stars (representing Cassiopeia, in case you're wondering) added...this was right after it was done, so it looked pretty red still. I'll have to take a picture of it again now that it is healed.

I sent the tattoo picture to several friends, including a guy friend who is also a pastor. I realized belatedly that, due to my close cropping of the photo, it looks like I was sending him a picture with a lot more b**b than is actually showing...the angle of the shot is misleading, as is the angle of this shot...

...ahem...was trying to take a picture of me in my cool new purple shirt...with a somewhat low-cut V-neck...(didn't send this one to my pastor friend! LOL) Not sure what it is with me and all the self-portraits I'm taking these days. Between Facebook, Ravelry and Plurk and the need for avatar images on each, which I like to change often, it's just gotten me camera happy. ;)

Let's see...what else? Oh, what the more b**b shot...

No, really, I cropped that one much better. This picture was of the necklace I've got on, which I got off of Etsy from Wyanne, who is a most wonderfully gifted artist. Totally cool necklace!

Now let's play a game...check out this picture and see how many collections you can spot...go ahead...I'll wait...

:::doo, DOO doo, doo...doo, DOO, doo...doo, DOO, doo, DOO, DOOOP!!! Doodoodoodoodoo...:::


Ready? OK. Let's see...there are the buttons, that's one. And the yarn, of course (which you can see more of in the mirror, good grief!), that's two. And the inks. Three. The ribbon. Four. And what? What is number five? Yes...three, count 'em, THREE McDonald's Sweet (Crack) Tea cups. I didn't realize I was collecting them, but apparently I am.

What's worse is that I rarely crave sweet things, but I think the Sweet Tea is affecting me, because I went shopping last week, and you know how they say you should never grocery shop hungry? Well, you should never grocery shop hungry but especially not if you're also PMSing, because this is what you come home with...

Foods not only full of sugar, but with the WORD "sugar" in their title! Sugar wafers?? Oh my gosh. LOVE THEM!!! Seriously...for two days in a row, I ate NOTHING but sugar wafers and nutty bars until dinnertime. Is that pathetic and sad and horrifying or what? I NEVER eat sugar like that! And yet, last week, I could not stop myself.

And while it may look like the can of artichoke hearts is sort of out of place here, it was actually purchased with the intent of making hot artichoke dip. I know that's not a sugary food, but it's full of fat and no better for you, I'm sure, than all this sugar. (To date, I have not actually made the artichoke dip, so that's something, right? Should I go reward myself with a nutty bar? LOL)

Ok...I think that officially catches me up. Whew! Perhaps this will teach me my lesson and I'll try blogging a little more frequently from now on! These marathon picture posts are killers!


  1. Awesome tattoo!! I'm not brave enough to have one on my chest. I definitely wish I lived closer to the organic farm you reference...those berries look SO good!! Of course, I thought they were on top of cream, not vanilla!!!

  2. Hahaha, that shopping picture really reminded me of the time i was pregnant with my son. From being a strict vegan i went to eating stakes and EVERYTHING with icing on top. Oh and did i mention icing? :0)


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