Thursday, April 10, 2008

On the walls...

Our church is hosting a coffee house tomorrow night to benefit some upcoming mission trips. A couple of months ago, I was asked if I would provide some of my photographs to be included with others' artwork for display and sale. How cool is that?

Tonight was the set up for the event. Eleven of my photos are hanging there. I have to say, this is pretty cool! Other than in my own house, I've not seen my art work on display anywhere else. Now I've got pictures hanging there looking all artsy and official and stuff. Fun!

What was really interesting for me as I was choosing which prints I'd use was that my best work (in my estimation) is stuff I've done while traveling. My collection for tomorrow includes photos taken in Ireland, Arizona, Virginia and Florida (like the ocean scene above)...mountains, beaches ancient structures. I love taking these types of photos. Too bad I didn't think earlier in my life to become a travel photographer! ;)


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