Saturday, March 29, 2008


I've been such a slacker with the pictures of late. Finally, though, I got some of Zach's graduation pictures edited. Thought I'd share some of my favorites...

First close up glimpse of my son in four months as he ran by during the motivational run on Family Day morning (he's the third guy behind the DI in the yellow shirt)...

My grandson getting to see his daddy for the first time in four months...

Seeing where his Marine adventure began...the yellow footprints...

I can't believe how grown up he looks in that uniform...geez... :}

Finally, his platoon on graduation day...seriously, I had the hardest time picking him out in this group. They were lined up just like this the day before during their liberty ceremony, and I took about a half dozen pictures of some other kid I thought was him. Feel like a bad mother much? LOL

(For the record, not that you can see much, he's in the fourth row back, fifth from the left. :})

I keep thinking about what a significant day this was for him, what a significant experience for him in general, this training to become a United States Marine. It's a big thing, you know? I keep wondering how he'll remember it all in the years to come...what will stand out for him, what will seem most meaningful. I hope he'll share that with me some day.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you & your son. My husband is a United States Marine, of course, he has been out for 30 years, but once a Marine, always a Marine. Believe me, he still talks about his days as a full service Marine like it was yesterday. I don't think your son will forget much any time soon. Good luck and God Bless.


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