Ok, so here's how things stand:
3 pairs of fingerless mitts for friends, already given -- check!
2 pair of children's mittens sent off to Texas -- check!
6 felted bowls filled with bags of white chocolate popcorn, given -- check!
1 white shawl, finished tonight, still needs to be blocked once my #@!$ blocking wires arrive, hopefully tomorrow, to be given on Sunday -- check!
1 pair of fingerless mitts for niece, to be given on Sunday -- check!
1 ear warmer for my husband, designed on the fly with a slit for the brim of his welder's cap to fit through. If nothing else, this will be good for a laugh on Christmas morning because I am most certain it is way too big. Will need modifying, but at least I tried to fulfill his request. So, check!
1 scarf for my hairdresser, to be given on Saturday at hair appointment (cheated here...it's my Red Scarf Project scarf that I didn't get sent on time...at least it is going to a good use, and my hairdresser looks really rockin' in red!) -- check!
Yet to finish would be:
1 hat for husband's grandfather...started, about 2" of ribbing. Should be able to finish this tomorrow for giving it to him on Sunday. It remains to be seen if he'll actually wear it. He's 95 and my husband doesn't recall ever seeing him in this type of hat before. But on my side is the fact that he likes me, so maybe... :}
1 pair of fingerless mitts in black Rowan Kid Classic for d-i-l...started the first one tonight, should be able to finish them tomorrow if I keep at it.
2 pairs of fingerless mitts for the kids (one pair each). Have one of my daughter's finished...am thinking I'll do one for my son and if worse comes to worst, then they'll each get one with an IOU for the second one soon to follow. At least it is something to unwrap, right?
1 pair of mittens for my grandson who, after trying on a pair of mittens I made too small for my niece declared he needed a pair as well and of course I told him I'd make him a pair. And he'll remember this. Oh yes. He may only be 2 1/2, but he WILL remember. (I'd give him the too-small-for-niece pair, but they're totally girly colors.)
It took three tries, but I finally got the sizing right for these mittens!
The middle one was the winner for the four-year-old niece.
The middle one was the winner for the four-year-old niece.
1 dishcloth for my mom...this one is totally negligible, and if nothing else, she'll be here through New Year's, so she could still potentially get it before she goes home. In the mean time, she's got a very nice nightgown coming to her, which she actually requested. Was going to finish the green purse and give it to her as well, which might still happen. We'll see.
I'm feeling very optimistic about the knitting I have left to do and feel pretty certain that, barring any major catastrophes, I should be able to get it all done. It helps that I eliminated all socks and the complicated shawl from my agenda. They'll get made, but after Christmas and at my own leisurely pace. :)
um... those kids mittens are soooo cute! and i love the welder's headband. those may be in demand once you prefect them :) isn't it funny what we knit for those we love? have a great holiday!